New Sermon Series

“Holding On When You

Want To Let Go”


Join us for the Wednesday night service.  Pastor Sam will be preaching about the Book of Romans.
Our goal is to pay off our church mortgage by the end of April.  Lets work together to raise the money.
National Day of Prayer is May 2.  The church will be open if you would like to come here to pray.
If you are interested in going to MIddle School or Youth Camp you need to register NOW!!!.  Go to VACOG.ORG/Youth to register.  Early Bird special is due May 1!!!
You are invited to our Mother’s Day Breakfast.  Bring your mother or your children with you.  Please sign up at Celebration Central or call the church office.
GRADUATES:  We need your information as quickly as possible.  Let us know when you are graduating, where from, and any plans you have for the future.
If you are new to Celebration and would like to meet the staff and have a time of fellowship, join us at out Connection Reception, May 26 immediately following the Worship Service in room 105.
Party Time!!!  Schools Out!!!  Let’s take some time for fun and fellowship.  May 29 at 7:00 p.m.
The Hospitality Room is open Sunday’s before service for Adults Only.  Come get a cup of coffee or a bottle of water.